Did you happen to catch the latest news about the danger of the group of chemicals called phthalates that are currently found in a number of baby products? Phthalates are man-made substances that are used to make plastics flexible and to stabilize fragrances. These chemicals have also been linked to some really frightening health risks, most alarmingly to hormone disruption and reproductive changes in both men and women. Environmentalists, health and safety advocates, and consumer watch dog groups have been ranting and raving about these chemicals for years. But now that a recent medical study found phthalates in the urine of all 163 of its infant test subjects, someone is finally standing up and crying foul.
In a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers from the University of Washington, Seattle, measured the levels of nine different phthalate breakdown products in urine from diapers of 163 infants aged 2 to 28 months. Their report found that all of the urine samples contained at least one phthalate at measurable levels; 81% of the samples had measurable amounts of seven or more phthalates.
“We found that reported use of baby lotion, baby shampoo, and baby powder was associated with increased concentrations of monethyl phthalate (MEP), monomethyl phthalate (MMP), and monoisobutyl phthalate (MIBP) in infant urine,” said Dr. Sheela Sathyanarayana, the study’s author.
John Bailey, chief scientist for the Personal Care Products Council, an industry trade group, said diethyl phthalate, or DEP, is used in the fragrances of some baby lotions and other baby products. But Bailey questioned the validity of the study because the researchers did not take into account the phthalates that are found in diapers and other baby products. His point is frighteningly accurate although intentionally misleading. Should I feel better about slathering toxic chemicals on my baby’s skin because those chemicals are also found in her diapers, in her toys, and even in her sippy cup? Um, no. So, thanks for the insight Mr. Bailey, but let’s stick with the facts…
Are phthalates used in personal care products that are specifically designed for children?
O.K., then. We have a problem. And I for one do not think it’s acceptable to adopt a “let’s wait and see what happens” attitude when it comes to my health or that of my children. For those of you who like to believe that there is some government agency or corporate standards in place to make sure that dangerous substances are not found in the products we use every day, I have just 2 words for you. Tobacco. And. Asbestos. Nothing really happened to regulate these substances until the body count grew so large it was impossible to ignore.
Now lest I be labeled an alarmist and a reactionary….let me please state for the record. I am not against progress. I love technology…and I welcome it with open arms. But when it comes to things that are going to affect my children’s health and future…I want the proof in the pudding.
Why should environmental groups have to prove that these chemicals are dangerous to our kids? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t the companies that are putting phthaltes into their products be forced to provide proof that these chemicals will NOT affect my child’s health before they are allowed to use them in my baby’s shampoo, diapers, and sippy cups?
Here’s how to avoid bathing your baby in phthalates:
Don’t Buy That Crap: Don’t buy any product that contains phthalates. Two of the most toxic phthalates, DBP and DEHP, have been banned from cosmetics products sold in Europe but remain unregulated in the US. Unfortunately, the real problem is that it is almost impossible to tell if your baby lotion or shampoo contains phthalates because personal care companies are not required to list all of their ingredients on product labels. So at the very least, look for personal care products that are labeled “fragrance-free,” as it is likely that they won’t contain phthalates. Better yet, look for products that are certified “phthalate-free.”
Support the EWG: The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a small non-profit group sponsored by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics that has taken on the monumental task of testing the safety of the chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Why? Because NO ONE ELSE IS DOING IT. If it weren’t for groups like this ranting and raving and screaming about phthalates for the last several years, nobody would think twice. They are non-profit, they are independent. And they are the closest thing we have to a watchdog out there when it comes to the safety of the products we use everyday.
Rant and Rave: I make every effort to avoid preaching when it comes to green living. But this one just seriously pisses me off to the point that I can’t help but rant and rave about it…and I think you should too. I mean come on…adding chemicals that have been linked to hormone disruption to baby shampoo? That’s just taking it too far. Enough is enough. If you agree, let’s rant and rave together!